Lyminge Pre-School's September 2024 Newsletter


Topic of the Term

Our Topic for Term 1 is All About Me and My Family!

Each week we will focus on a different book. Planning for the setting will also be focused on the ‘book of the week’. It would be wonderful if you could share these books at home with your children too, maybe the local library will have a copy.

Week beginning 02/09/24 – All About Families

Week beginning 09/09/24 – Mixed

Week beginning 16/09/24 – Mega Magic Hair Swap

Week beginning 23/09/24 – Two Places to Call Home

Week beginning 30/10/24 – Rainbow Fish

Week beginning 07/10/24 – Monkey Puzzle

Week beginning 14/10/24 – Douglas You Need Glasses

Week beginning 21/10/24 – My Family is…


1-2-3 Magic

Here in the setting, we use the 1-2-3 Magic technique to stop unwanted behaviour and enforce positive behaviour.

Here is a brief summary of how to implement 1-2-3 magic.

The key elements of 1-2-3 magic is the no talking, no emotion rule. This means that when you’re using counting as discipline you do not talk, explain, or rationalise with your child during or after. This will make your child think about their behaviour and take responsibility for the choices they make. This rule is essential to the effectiveness of this technique.

It is ok to offer one explanation if necessary but lectures and long wordy explanations are ineffective. Explanations often have no effect at all, and they usually lead to the parent and child getting into an argument.


Stopping Unwanted Behaviour


  1. - After your child misbehaves calmy say “That’s a 1.” then do not speak wait for five seconds.


  1. – If the behaviour continues say “That’s a 2.” Do not speak, wait five seconds.


  1. – If the behaviour still continues say “That’s a 3 so you’re on-thinking time.” Do not argue or get emotional.


At Pre-School we have a cushion and a visual sand timer for when a child has time out. (The time out should be one minute for each year of your child’s life.)

It should be a calm place, away from any situation or entertainment.


When thinking time is over there should be no apologise, discussion or lectures. If this is the first time for the behaviour and the child does not understand, a brief and simple explanation may be given but only once.

If the behaviour is too serious for counting, then an instant 3 must be given then a brief explanation after thinking time elapses.

For example, swearing and hitting is an instant 3.


Encouraging Positive Behaviour

Positive reinforcement is a must; however, it is extremely difficult to remember to do this when you are faced with the normal day to day challenges of parenting. You could try things like “Thank you for getting your coat on when I asked you to.” And “Thank you for doing some really good listening today.”


This is a basic rundown of the 1-2-3 Magic system. If you have any questions or would like any help with any behaviour issues, please speak to our SENCo Karen she is more than happy to help.


Sun Cream

The summer is sadly slipping away from us, but we may still have a few sunny days left. So a reminder all children should, please, be wearing sun cream before arriving at the setting as well as bringing a water bottle and a labelled sun hat.

After lunch all children will be topped up with Pre-School sun cream.



Could we please ask that EGGS are NOT put in lunch boxes please. We have a child with us that is very allergic, and we need to be extra cautious. Products with egg in are fine but not whole eggs such as egg sandwiches, scotch egg, boiled eggs etc.

Also, a reminder peanut butter or whole nuts are also not to be in children’s lunch boxes.

Thank you!


Dates for your diaries

End of Term 1 – Friday 25th October

Start of Term 2 – Monday 4th October

End of Term 2 – Friday 13th December


General Reminders

• Please can all clothing and Tupperware be labelled.

• Please speak to your Key Person regularly about any changes at home or any achievements your child has made. Even small changes can influence behaviour or mood. You can use the direct message option on baby’s days also.

• Please make sure your child has a labelled water bottle with them. This is so the children can have access to a drink throughout the day.

• If your child has an item that will require heating for lunch, please place it in the hot lunch box by the front door. (We do not reheat rice).

• To reduce the risk of choking we ask that no whole grapes, cherry tomatoes, olives or Maltesers are in lunch boxes. These can cause a plug in a child's throat. When cutting fruit, please cut them length ways and grapes into four quarter strips.


Best Wishes

The Lyminge Pre-School Team